2025   News
February 07 Steel sample BS 1016B final certification has been completed.
February 06 IMN has revised the following certificates to include more data and 17034 accreditation:
Bismuth base samples IMN LD and LD33.
Copper base samples IMN BI, IMN BJ, IMN CS, IMN MH, IMN MI, and IMN NC.
Tin base samples IMN LA.
Zinc base samples IMN ZG.
February 04 Titanium samples BS T-4B and BS T-5B have been revised to include more data.
January 31 Carbon steel sample BS 1016A final certification has been completed.
January 30 Titanium sample BS 10-2-3 has been revised to include more data.
January 22 Cobustion sample BS HON-V is now available.
Tool Steel samples BS 36E final certification has been completed.
January 15 Steel sample BS 37H final certification has been completed.
January 13 Cast Iron sample BS 291HC is no longer available.
2024   News
December 27 Cast Iron sample BS 285CJ is no longer available.
Steel sample BS 4931 is no longer available.
December 12 Steel samples BS 17-4PHA and BS 182 are no longer available.
November 26 Cast Iron SAmple BS 291HK is no longer available.
November 19 Steel sample BS 2971 is no longer available.
November 18 Combustion sample BS CSN 2-1 is no longer available.
Steel sample BS 4340A is no longer available.
October 29 Tool steel samples BS PM15A and BS PM15B are now available.
October 21 Tool steel sample BS TS-5 is now available.
Tool steel setting-up samples BS SU TS-5 and BS SU TS-5A are now available.
October 02 Carbon steel sample BS 1018A final certification has been completed.
Nickel base samples BS 718E and BS 825G are now available.
Nickel base setting-up sample BS SU 718 is now available.
October 01 Stainless steel sample BS 422A final certification has been completed.
September 24 Stainless Steel samples BS 316G and BS 420 final certification has been completed.
September 23 Cobalt/Chromium/Iron/Nickel alloy sample BS CoCrNi final certification has been completed.
September 09 Aluminum Bronze sample BS 954A is no longer available.
Iron sample BS LC-7B is no longer available.
Steel sample BS 316F is no longer available.
Steel sample BS LF3A is now available.
August 19 Rail Steel sample BS 54H is no longer available.
August 13 Steel sample BS 1762A is now available.
August 09 Steel sample BS 1762 is no longer available. Replacement in progress.
August 06 Copper sample BS 110B is no longer available.
August 05 Resulfurized steel sample BS 1141 is now available.
July 31 Carbon steel samples BS 1016A and BS 1016B are now available.
Carbon steel samples BS 1020A and BS 1020B are now available.
July 30 Steel sample BS 300B is now available.
Steel setting-up sample BS SU 300M is now available.
July 29 Stainless Steel sample BS 316G provisional analysis has been updated to include uncertainties.
July 16 Cast Iron sample BS 291HB is no longer available.
June 14 Cast Iron samples BS 285CA and BS 285CK are no longer available.
June 07 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4130 is no longer available.
May 14 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 45C final certification has been completed.
May 07 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4320 final certification has been completed.
May 03 Bronze sample BS 630A is no longer available.
Steel sample BS PP20 is no longer available.
April 30 Stainless Steel sample BS 17-4PHB is no longer available.
April 26 Cast Iron sample BS 285BF is no longer available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HA final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HB final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HC final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HD final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HE final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HF final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HG final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HH final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HI final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HJ final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HK final certification has been completed.
April 25 Low Alloy Steel samples BS 9310 final certification has been completed.
Steel samle BS LF2B is no longer available.
Setting-up samples BS SU 1018C and BS SU 1018D are no longer available.
April 22 Cast Iron sample BS 285BG is no longer available.
April 11 Low Alloy Steel sample BS LF2C final certification has been completed.
April 10 Cobalt/Chromium/Iron/Nickel alloy sample BS CoCrNi is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 316G is now available.
April 04 Cobalt sample BS 171B is no longer available.
April 03 Cast Iron sample BS 286CD is no longer available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 181A is no longer available.
March 25 Nickel sample BS 617 is no longer available.
March 08 Cast Iron sample BS 286CC is no longer available.
February 29 Zirconium sample SRM 360c has been revised.
February 26 Combustion sample BS HON-U is no longer available. The next batch is already in development.
February 23 Stainless Steel sample BS 304C final certiification has been completed.
February 22 Carbon steel sample BS 1018A is now availble.
Stainless steel samples BS 420 and BS 422A are now available.
February 20 Cast Iron sample BS 291GI is no longer available.
February 14 Hastelloy sample BS H2C is no longer available.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 55G is no longer available.
February 08 Brass sample BS 932F is no longer available.
Resulfurize steel sample BS 1144 is no longer available.
February 02 Carbon Steel sample BS 1026 is no longer available.
Steel setting up samples BS SU LAS-14 and BS SU LF-2A are no longer available.
January 29 Nickel base sample BS 690A is no longer available.
January 22 Nickel base sample BS 625E is no longer available.
Steel setting-up sample BS SU LAS13-2 is no longer available.
January 19 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4340B final certification has been completed.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 15A is no longer available.
January 18 Leaded Steel sample BS 73D final certification has been completed.
January 05 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 61C is no longer available.
January 03 Tool Steel samples BS 36E and BS 37H are now available.
2023   News
December 20 Cast Iron sample BS 291GH is no longer available.
Nickel base setting-up sample BS H230 is no longer available.
December 15 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 45C is now available.
December 05 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4140A is no longer available.
November 27 Steel sample BS 58E is no longer available.
October 31 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4320 is now available.
Low Alloy Steel setting-up sample BS SU LF-2B is now available.
October 24 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 53G is no longer available.
October 06 Cast Iron sample BS 291GG is no longer available.
September 29 Low Alloy Steel samples BS 9310 and BS LF2C are now available.
September 28 Iron sample BS 50F is no longer available.
September 27 Iron sample BS 50D is no longer available.
September 08 Leaded steel sample BS 73D is now available.
Low alloy steel sample BS 4340B is now available.
August 25 Cast Iron sample BS 285CA final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CB final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CC final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CD final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CE final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CF final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CG final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CH final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CI final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CJ final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 285CK final certification has been completed.
August 17 Cast Iron sample BS 285BH is no longer available.
August 09 Steel sample BS 8620G final certification has been completed.
August 07 Steel sample BS 55H final certification has been completed.
August 01 Maraging Steel sample BS M250 final certification has been completed.
July 28 Cast Iron sample BS 291HA is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HB is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HC is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HD is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HE is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HF is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HG is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HH is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HI is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HJ is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291HK is now available.
July 26 Stainless Steel sample BS 304C is now available.
July 24 Nickel sample BS H6C final certification has been completed.
July 18 Nickel base sample BS H3D final certification has been completed.
July 13 Steel sample BS 1763 final certification has been completed.
July 06 Copper sample BS 17500 is no longer available.
June 29 Cobalt sample BS FSX414 final certification has been completed.
Steel combustion sample BS 2023 is now available.
Steel setting-up sample BS SU LF-2 is no longer available.
June 21 Nickel sample BS 197B has been revised to extend expiry.
May 24 Copper setting-up sample BS SU Cu 1 is no longer available.
May 16 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 42 has been revised to CRM.
April 26 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8620F is no longer available.
April 12 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 3952 has been revised to CRM.
April 06 Copper Ore sample CAN HV-2a Titanium value has been corrected.
March 31 Cast Iron samples BS 291GF and BS 291GJ are no longer available.
Iron Setting-Up sample BS LC-7 SUS is no longer available.
March 28 Cobalt sample BS 173 is no longer available.
March 24 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 6418 has been revised to CRM.
Resulfurized Steel sample BS 42A is no longer available.
March 09 Steel sample BS 3962 has been revised to CRM.
February 08 Steel samples BS 55H and BS 8620G are now available.
February 03 Cast Iron sample BS 285BD is no longer available.
January 11 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4130A final certification has been completed.
January 10 Steel setting-up sample BS SU LAS13/3 is now available.
January 06 Cobalt sample BS 173A final certification has been completed.
January 05 Titanium sample BS 10-2-3 final certification has been completed.
2022   News
December 09 Cast Iron sample BS 291GC is no longer available.
December 08 Nickel sample BS 617A final certification has been completed.
Steel samples BS 1040 and BS 9325B final certification has been completed.
Titanium samples BS T-4B and BS T-5B final certification has been completed.
November 29 Cast Iron series BS 285CA - BS 285CK are now available
November 09 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8822A final certification has been completed.
November 07 Cast Iron series BS 291GA - BS 291GK final certifications have been completed.
Bronze sample BS 929MOD final certification has been completed.
October 17 Bronze sample BS 955B is no longer available.
Cast iron samples BS 285BE and BS 291GD are no longer available.
Ferrochromium sample BS 130/2 is no longer available.
Resulfurized steel sample BS 52D is no longer available.
September 16 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 9325A is no longer available.
Silicon Steel sample BS 300 is no longer available.
September 13 Steel setting-up sample BS SU LAS 14-2 is now available.
August 23 Nickel base sample BS H3D is now available.
July 29 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4130A is now available.
Cobalt alloy samples BS 173A and BS FSX414 are now available.
Maraging Steel sample BS M250 is now available.
July 01 Carbon Steel sample BS 3941 is no longer available.
June 10 Bronze sample BS 903D is no longer available.
Tensile sample BS TRM-3 is no longer available.
June 08 Steel sample BS 1763 is now available.
Titanium sample BS 10-2-3 is now available.
May 31 Cast iron sample BS 291GB is no longer available.
Steel sample BS 1026A certification has been revised to correct the Nitrogen value on page 1.
Steel setting-up sample BS SU 1018F replaces sold out BS SU 1018E.
May 26 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8822A replaces sold out BS 8822.
May 13 Cast Iron sample BS 291GK is no longer available.
April 29 Starting today, ALPHA RESOURCES samples are now available through Brammer Standard.
April 26 Stainless Steel sample BS 81P is no longer available.
April 22 Nickel sample BS 617A is now available.
Nickel setting-up sample BS SU 617 is now available.
April 13 Cast iron sample BS 291GA is no longer available.
April 4 Cast iron sample BS 291GE is no longer available.
March 23 After complaining to LECO about problems with our Glow Discharge Spectrometer, they will soon terminate our resale contract.
Please send any pending orders for LECO items.
March 21 Bronze sample BS 929MOD is now available.
March 11 Stainless Steel sample BS 2205 is no longer available.
February 25 Cast Iron sample BS 291F series is no longer available.
February 17 Carbon Steel sample BS 1040 is now available.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 9325B is now available.
February 11 Titanium samples BS T-4B and BS T-5B are now available.
February 09 Carbon Steel sample BS 1030A final certification has been completed.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS E52100 final certification has been completed.
February 08 Carbon steel sample BS 1026A final certification has been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291FD is no longer available.
Combustion sample BS CSONH is now available.
Kovar sample BS 160B final certification has been completed.
February 04 Cast iron sample BS CC-11 is no longer availale.
January 21 Maraging Steel sample BS 161B final certification has been completed.
January 18 Copper sample BS 172Be-2 certification has been revised to correct the Nickel value on page 1.
January 11 Carbon Steel sample BS 54J final certification has been completed.
January 10 Carbon Steel sample BS XCCS-2 final certification has been completed.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 67C is no longer available.
January 07 Nickel sample BS 625D is no longer available.
2021   News
December 13 Cast Iron sample BS 286CA is no longer available.
December 03 Leaded Steel sample BS 74D final certification has been completed.
December 01 Stainless Steel sample BS 431A final certification has been completed.
November 22 Nickel sample BS 800B final certification has been completed.
November 17 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4820B final certification has been completed.
November 11 Cast Iron sample BS 29FF is no longer available.
November 08 Copper sample BS 17510 final certification has been completed.
November 05 Tool Steel sample BS D-6A final certification has been completed.
November 03 Caution! Iron Ore samples SRM 690, SRM 691, SRM 692, and SRM 693 were silently revised in April 2021.
November 02 Hastelloy G-30 sample BS G30 final certification has been completed.
October 29 Cast Iron sample BS 291GA is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GB is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GC is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GD is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GE is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GF is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GG is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GH is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GI is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GJ is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291GK is now available.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8822A is now available.
September 23 Tool Steel sample BS TS-7A final certification has been completed.
September 10 Carbon Steel sample BS XCAS final certification has been completed.
September 09 Haynes 230 sample BS H230A final certification has been completed.
August 26 Stainless Steel sample BS 304B replaces sold out BS SS3951.
August 16 Carbon steel samples BS 1026A and BS 1030A are now available.
August 12 Alloy 20 sample BS 187B final certification has been completed.
August 11 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 300A final certification has been completed.
Nickel sample BS 625F final certification has been completed.
July 29 Cast iron sample BS 291FG is no longer available.
July 27 Cast iron samples CZ 2015B - 2024B are now available.
Cast iron sample BS 291FC is no longer available.
July 13 Carbon Steel sample BS 54J is now available.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS E52100 is now available.
Low Alloy Steel setting-up sample BS SU E52100A is now available.
July 12 Rice flour sample SRM 1568b has been revised.
July 02 Glass sample SRM 89 has been revised.
June 30 RTA's ALC powders are again available for sale.
June 29 Hydro aluminum samples beginning with "V" are again available.
June 09 Titanium sample BS T-22 is no longer available.
June 08 Titanium sample BS T-4A is no longer available.
June 04 Tensile sample BS TRM-2A is no longer available.
May 19 Sales of the Hydro aluminum samples beginning with "V" are indefinitely suspended.
May 11 Cast Iron sample BS 291FH is no longer available.
May 03 Nickel alloy BS 187D replaces sold out BS 187C
April 27 Nickel sample BS H6C is now available.
Nickel setting-up sample BS SU C-22 is now available.
April 26 Phophor Bronze sample BS 510C final certification has been completed.
April 22 Bronze sample BS 544C final certification has been completed.
April 21 Stainless steel sample BS 450 final certification has been completed.
April 19 Stainless Steel sample BS 309 final certification has been completed.
April 14 Nickel sample BS H2D is no longer available.
April 13 Steel samples BS CA304-1 and BS 60E are no longer available.
April 12 Steel sample SRM 1766 has been revised
March 23 Sales of RTA's ALC powders are suspended indefinitely.
March 19 Super Duplex Steel samples BS 2507 final certification has been completed.
March 11 Aluminum Bronze sample BS 624 final certification has been completed.
March 09 Carbon Steel sample BS XCCS-2 is now available.
March 05 Iron setting-up sample BS SU CPI-C is no longer available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 188B replaces sold out BS 188A.
February 11 Leaded Steel BS 70C final certification has been completed.
February 09 High Alloy Steel 254SMO sample BS 254 final certification has been completed.
February 08 Mold Steel sample BS 55G final certification has been completed.
February 05 Cast Iron sample BS 285BC is no longer available.
February 04 Cobalt Base sample BS MP35N final certification has been completed.
February 02 Hastelloy C-2000 sample BS C-2000 final certification has been completed.
January 28 Tatanium sample BS T-24A final certification has been completed.
January 18 Kovar sample BS 160B is now available.
Maraging Steel sample BS 161B is now available.
January 15 Bronze sample BS CC905 sold out, replaced with series BS 905A-1 through BS 905A-4.
Steel setting-up sample BS SU LF-1 replaces sold out BS SU LF-1A.
January 08 Tool Steel sample BS H-13A replaces sold out BS H-13.
January 04 Greek Ascoloy sample BS 183C final certification has been completed.
2020   News
December 30 Greek Ascoloy sample BS 183B final certification has been completed.
December 23 High Alloy Steel sample BS 186B final certification has been completed.
December 16 Stainless Steel sample BS 17-4PHC final certification has been completed.
December 09 Brass sample BS 932H final certification has been completed.
December 07 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4330MOD final certification has been completed.
December 04 Cast Iron sample BS 291FB is no longer available.
December 01 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4140C final certification has been completed.
November 25 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 3310 final certification has been completed.
November 23 Cast Iron sample BS 285BI is no longer available.
November 20 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8740 final certification has been completed.
November 19 Tensile sample BS TRM-1 replaces sold out BS TRM-1A.
November 18 Steel setting-up sample BS SU 1018F is now available.
November 13 Stainless Steel sample BS 347C final certification has been completed.
November 10 Stainless Steel sample BS 317L certification has been revised.
November 04 Stainless Steel sample BS 17-4PHB certification has been revised.
October 30 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4330MOD replaces sold out BS 4330V.
October 29 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 51F certification has been revised.
October 26 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 43A certification has been revised.
October 13 Steel sample BS 8620F replaces sold out BS 61G.
October 01 Cast Iron sample BS CC-23 is available again with revised certificate.
September 10 Cast Iron series BS 286CA - BS 286CI final certifications have been completed.
Cast Iron sample BS 291FI is no longer available.
August 27 Leaded Brass sample BS 360D final certification has been completed.
August 26 Cast Iron series BS 291FA - BS 291FJ final certifications have been completed.
August 20 Nickel sample BS 625F is now available.
Nickel setting-up sample BS SU 625 is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 431A is now available.
Tool Steel sample BS D-6A is now available.
August 19 Copper-Nickel alloy samples BS 715B and BS 715C final certification has been completed.
August 18 Leaded Brass sample BS 360C final certification has been completed.
August 17 Nickel sample BS 800B is now available.
August 14 Naval Brass sample BS 485A final certification has been completed.
August 13 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 8740 is now available.
July 31 Copper sample BS 17510 is now available.
July 30 Alloy 20 sample BS 187B is now available.
July 29 Sadly USGS has cancelled all future sales, soon we will update our catalogs to show what remains here.
July 28 Low Alloy Steel samples BS 300A and BS 4820B are now available.
July 16 Leaded Steel sample BS 74D is now available.
July 09 Tatanium sample BS T-24A is now available.
June 29 Cobalt Base sample BS MP35N is now available.
June 10 Tool Steel sample ECRM 179-2 certification has been revised.
June 03 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 53G replaces now sold out BS 2952.
May 22 Nickel base sample BS 6255 final certification has been completed.
May 21 Beryllium-Cobalt Copper sample BS 172Be-2 final certification has been completed.
May 19 Nickel base sample BS 925A final certification has been completed.
May 18 Hastelloy C-2000 sample BS C-2000 is now available.
Leaded brass samples BS 836B, BS 836C, and BS 836D final certifications have been completed.
May 07 Hastelloy G-30 sample BS G30 is now available.
Haynes 230 sample BS H230A is now available.
May 06 Titanium sample BS T-81 is no longer available.
April 24 Tool Steel sample BS TS-7A is now available.
April 21 High Alloy Steel 254SMO sample BS 254 is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 309 is now available.
April 13 Tool Steel sample BS 33F final certification has been completed.
April 08 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 1762 final certification has been completed.
April 06 Carbon Steel sample BS XCAS is now available.
Cast Iron sampleS BS CC-11A and BS CC-11B final certifications have been completed.
Cast Iron samples BS 286CA - 286CI are now available.
March 18 Super Duplex Steel samples BS 2507 and BS SU 2507 are now available.
March 13 Carbon Steel sample BS 1045 replaces sold out BS 56H.
Cast Iron sample BS 285BK is no longer available.
High Alloy Steel sample BS 186B is now available.
Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4330MOD is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 321D replaces sold out BS 321C.
February 27 Carbon Steel sample BS XCCS-1 is no longer available.
The replacement BS XCCS-2 is in production with planned availability late 2020 or early 2021.
February 20 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 4140C is now available.
February 14 Maraging Steel samples DSZU C51 - C55 certified values have been revised.
January 27 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 3310 is now available.
January 22 Cast Iron sample BS 291EF, the last of series BS 291E, is no longer available.
Cast Iron series BS 291F remains available.
January 07 Slag sample BS Slag 1 is no longer available.
2019   News
December 19 Stainless steel samples BS 347C and BS 450 are now available.
December 06 Aluminum Bronze sample BS 624 is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291FA is no longer available.
December 05 Naval Brass sample BS 485A is now available.
Phophor Bronze sample BS 510C is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 316F replaces sold out BS 316E.
November 27 Bronze sample BS 544C is now available.
November 22 Leaded Brass samples BS 360C and BS 360D are now available.
November 18 Cast Iron chip sample SRM 342a has been revised.
November 04 Copper-Nickel alloy samples BS 715B and BS 715C are now available.
October 31 Cast Iron sample BS CC-14 is no longer available.
October 25 Greek Ascoloy samples BS 183B and BS 183C are now available.
October 24 Cast iron sample BS 291FJ is no longer available.
October 11 Leaded brass samples BS 836B, BS 836C, and BS 836D are now available.
October 10 Beryllium-Cobalt Copper sample BS 172Be-2 is now available.
Cast Iron sample BS 291ED is no longer available.
October 03 Cast Iron sample BS 285BL is no longer available.
Pure Iron samples BS LC-7A and BS LC-7B final certifications have been completed.
Greek Ascoloy sample BS 183 is no longer available.
October 01 Stainless Steel sample BS 2205A final certification has been completed.
Tool Steel sample BS H-13A final certification has been completed.
September 26 Carbon Steel sample BS 1045 final certification has been completed.
Stainless Steel sample BS 316F final certification has been completed.
September 20 Nickel base samples BS 925A and BS 6255 are now available.
September 17 Cast Iron samples BS CC-11A and BS CC-11B are now available.
Cement sample SRM 1883a has been revised.
September 05 Cast Iron series BS 291FA - BS 291FJ are now available.
September 04 Leaded Brass sample BS 836A-4 is no longer available.
August 27 Cast Iron sample BS 291EE is no longer available.
August 26 Cement sample SRM 1889b has been revised.
August 16 Nickel alloy sample BS 800A replaces sold out BS 800.
August 13 Steel setting-up sample BS SU P-20B is no longer available.
August 08 Cobalt samples BS 171C and BS 171D final certifications have been completed.
August 06 Cobalt sample BS 172B final certification has been completed.
August 02 Stainless Steel sample BS 304B replaces sold out BS 304A.
July 18 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 46B replaces sold out BS 1982.
July 15 Clearance Sale item BS CE 31 is no longer available.
June 30 Stainless Steel sample BS 316F replaces sold out BS 316D.
Tool Steel sample BS 33F is now available.
June 21 Low Alloy Steel sample BS 1762 is now available.
High Alloy Steel sample BS CD4MCU-A final certification has been completed.
June 20 High Alloy Steel sample BS CD4MCU final certification has been completed.
June 19 Ferrotitanium samples BS FeTi-1 and BS FeTi-2 certificates have been revised.
June 12 Low Alloy Steel setting up sample BS SU 4130 is replaced with BS SU 4130A.
Stainless Steel sample BS 82D is replaced with BS 82E.
May 31 Slag sample BS Slag 3 is no longer available.
May 03 BS 304 is replaced with BS 304B
April 30 Cast Iron sample BS 285BJ is no longer available.
April 19 Cast Iron series BS 286A is now completely sold out.
April 15 Stainless Steel sample BS 2205A is now abailable.
April 11 Carbon Steel sample BS 1009 final certification has been completed.
April 10 Stainless Steel sample BS 82E replaces sold out BS 82D.
April 09 Carbon Steel sample BS 1005 final certification has been completed.
April 05 Pure Iron samples BS LC-7A and BS LC-7B are now available.
Pure Iron setting-up sample BS LC-7C SUS is now available.
Stainless Steel sample BS 316F is now available.
April 02 Iron sample BS 50G is now available.
March 22 Tool Steel sample BS H-13A is now available.
February 26 Cast Iron sample BS 285BB is no longer available.
February 20 Cast Iron sample BS 291EG is no longer available.
February 08 Steel sample BS 4972 uncertainty for Boron has been corrected.
January 08 Cobalt samples BS 171C and BS 171D are now available.

The Archived News items are listed separately.